5 compelling reasons why ISO accreditation matters when selecting an FX intermediary

Navigating Rand Volatility: The Role of ISO-Accredited FX Intermediaries in Mitigating Currency Risks 5 compelling reasons why ISO accreditation matters when selecting an FX intermediary The South African rand has endured considerable volatility recently, attributed to a myriad of global factors including commodity price fluctuations, financial-market risk perceptions, and local Read more…

We are ISO certified!

We are ISO certified! Kuda FX is an authorised South African financial services provider (FSP 46310) registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and authorised by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) to transact in the capacity as a foreign exchange intermediary. We also subscribe to the South African Read more…

We know the Rand is volatile

We know the Rand is volatile But…. South Africa’s currency is known for its volatility, we get that. It experiences frequent and unpredictable changes in value. But it would seem that the unexpected changes in local economic indicators don’t necessarily have a significant impact on the rand’s volatility. Not really Read more…