The Outlook for The South African Rand in 2024

The Outlook for the South African rand in 2024 It’s only natural that when you begin a new year, you look to the markets to try and understand what your investment strategy should be. Living in South Africa and working in rands, we are often influenced by the rand’s instability

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Saying goodbye to 2023

Saying goodbye to 2023 As 2023 comes to an end, to us at least, it means saying thank you – to you! If the world around us has taught us anything, it’s that showing appreciation for what and who we have around us is what life is all about. So,

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Beyond Borders

Beyond Borders: Navigating challenges and opportunities in SA Forex trends In the tumultuous seas of the offshore forex market, South African investors have sailed through a challenging 2023, grappling with market stress, geopolitical issues, and economic uncertainties. Various trends and challenges defined the forex landscape for South African investors this

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Travel Foreign Exchange Service

Travel Foreign Exchange During the festive season many of us pack our bags and head off to exotic locations. Leaving South Africa behind as we explore the world – if we are lucky enough to do so. And with all this travel there are certain requirements – from a financial

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Tax Migration

Tax Migration Emigration has been a topic of discussion for quite some time now. Most of us will know or have a friend or family member that is currently residing overseas. While official numbers of those who have emigrated cannot be properly ascertained, according to Business Tech “the latest data from SARS

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Maximising Offshore Savings

Maximising Offshore Savings Strategies for South Africans to Minimise Forex Charges and Preserve Wealth in a Challenging Economy November 2023: In the current global financial landscape, marked by economic uncertainty and market fluctuations,  South Africans are increasingly seeking avenues to safeguard their wealth and explore opportunities beyond the country’s borders.

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Moving Funds Offshore and Onshore

Moving Funds Offshore and Onshore When it comes to investment there are a number of investment strategies that can be employed by the everyday investor. One of which is investing funds (and in some cases, people’s nest eggs) offshore. This – according to Investec – has a number of benefits

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Foreign Investment Allowances

Foreign Investment Allowance With everyone and their cousin twice-removed emigrating to Australia together with the expansion of local businesses overseas, it has become an everyday occurrence for South African’s to either have assets overseas or for South Africans to make financial investments overseas. Why a person may do so varies

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Unlocking International Opportunities

Unlocking International Opportunities 7 ways Kuda FX’s ISO certification empowers Importers and Exporters in FX Risk Management Our readers will most certainly know by now that Kuda FX is ISO certified. We have written about it in our articles We are ISO certified!;  What does an ISO certification mean? and

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Protecting South African Businesses from Exchange Rate Turbulence

Navigating Rand Volatility: Protecting South African Businesses from Exchange Rate Turbulence The South African Rand (ZAR) is experiencing another tumultuous period. Following a robust rally last Tuesday, the Rand’s fortunes have taken a hit, with its earlier gains yielding to a more cautious market sentiment. Factors contributing to this turbulence

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Imports and Exports in South Africa

Imports and Exports in South Africa According to The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC) – “In May 2023 South Africa exported ZAR176B and imported ZAR174B, resulting in a positive trade balance of ZAR2.46B. Between May 2022 and May 2023 the exports of South Africa have increased by ZAR1.65B (0.94%) from

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What does an ISO certification mean?

What does an ISO certification mean? Many of you reading this will be wondering what the “big deal” about an ISO certification is. We already covered a great deal of ground dealing with ISO in our previous article – We are certified! As a quick reminder – “ISO (International Organization

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We are ISO certified!

We are ISO certified! Kuda FX is an authorised South African financial services provider (FSP 46310) registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) and authorised by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) to transact in the capacity as a foreign exchange intermediary. We also subscribe to the South African

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South African Properties for Foreign Buyers

South African Properties for Foreign Buyers We need to confess to a guilty pleasure. We binge watch Listing Cape Town. A lot. There is something so gratifying about watching a celeb or wealthy investor (from the shores of Paris as an example) roam through the halls of palatial mansions or

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We know the Rand is volatile

We know the Rand is volatile But…. South Africa’s currency is known for its volatility, we get that. It experiences frequent and unpredictable changes in value. But it would seem that the unexpected changes in local economic indicators don’t necessarily have a significant impact on the rand’s volatility. Not really

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What Is Exchange Rate Volatility?

What Is Exchange Rate Volatility? The World is kind of topsy-turvy at the moment. The “all-mighty” Greenback has seen a slight faulter with investors and traders alike having less anxiety – at least on the face of it – around emerging market currencies. What? Can that be right? Are traders

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Getting to know our (wealth) team at Kuda FX

Getting to know our (wealth) team at Kuda FX Over the last couple of months, we have discussed topics that are relevant to the world of Foreign Exchange (Forex or FX) and specifically how they relate to Kuda FX and the services Kuda FX provides. Last week, we spoke about

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What is this thing called “Hedging”?

What is this thing called “Hedging”? “Hedging” sounds extremely complicated. Like a word used in very small circles – only the select few “in the financial know”. And for those of us seemingly looking from the outside in, “hedging” – on the face of it at least – seems to

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What does Kuda FX do?

What does Kuda FX do? Corporate Revenue Kuda FX specializes in converting your South African Rand into Dollar, Sterling, Euro and any other currencies to your nominated offshore beneficiary. In the Corporate Revenue space, we have incredible solutions geared towards Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SME’s) that require a little more assistance than

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